Feral Cat Colony
The colony of nine or more Cats at the space pre dates the garden itself.
For years, aside from an elderly woman who used to feed them by pushing food under the gate,
they were primarily ignored.
Adam Ginsburg and his wife Daniella began looking after them around 2007. In addition to their daily feedings they also take care of their medical needs.
All the cats are part of the local TNR program. TNR is TrapNeuterRelease - a program where feral cats are trapped then either spayed or neutered, given a rabies shot and ear tipped which is a universal symbol to indicate they have been TNRd.
The colony cats are Midnight, Oreo, Little P, KitKat, Mini P, China Girl and Spice.
Under No Circumstance should anybody
donate or dump a cat in the garden.
This is an intact bonded colony
and it needs to remain so.
If interested in donating, please contact Adam