Help Support the
Brunswick Garden Cat Colony
The cat colony at Brunswick Community Garden predates the garden itself!
2024 Update:
There is a new mother and 3 kittens that were born in spring 2024.
For many years, aside from a local woman who used to feed them by pushing food under the gate, they were primarily ignored. In 2007 Adam Ginsburg and his wife began care-taking for them, feeding them daily and providing any medical needs. Adam and his wife recently retired and we are setting up a new system to care for the cats.
All the cats are part of the local TNR (Trap-Neuter-Release) program.
Under no circumstance should anybody donate or dump a cat in the garden. This is an intact bonded colony and it needs to remain so.
Donate below to pay for the food and medical needs for the garden colony
which run around $1200 per year.

Legacy members of the colony